Yewei Chen

Yewei Chen was born in 1998 in Jiangsu, China. In 2019, He earned his B.S. in polymer science and engineering from Beijing University of Chemical Technology, during which time he worked with Prof. Jiajia Dong on the polymerization of polysulfates utilizing SuFEx in Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry (SIOC). Then he obtained his M. Sc. in ShanghaiTech University in 2022, working with Prof. Guoqiang Lin and Zhitao He in SIOC on the Palladium-catalyzed migratory allylic substitution. After his graduation, Yewei remained in the group as a research assistant in SIOC for one year focusing on the study of asymmetric allylic C(sp 3 )- C(sp 3 ) functionalization cooperated with Dr. Yehao Qiu and Prof. John. F. Hartwig. In 2023, he joined the Hartwig group as a visiting research student. Outside of the lab, he enjoys swimming, playing badminton and chess.